Friday, 6 February 2015

FF#4 Monotony. Break it? Or Keep it?

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Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like not dealing with today?

"Nope, sorry. I don't feel like dealing with life today. Maybe tomorrow, thanks."

You just feel like crawling back into bed, and closing your eyes, and drifting off into sleep where thoughts of school, work, life doesn't bother you with its hot pursuit?

Now, ever wonder why that happens? There has to be a reason to why you feel that way in the morning? 
This can be narrowed down to:
  • Are you mentally tired?
  • Is work/ school hectic? 
  • Are you avoiding dealing with something?
  • Are you drained of energy?
  • Are you unwell?
  • Or are you just lazy?
Or, maybe you aren't happy with your life right now and you just need a break from it, even if it were for a little while...

Well, maybe its just a case of things getting too monotonous?

That word, it makes me cringe while I even type it. Monotony.

Now don't get me wrong, there are some people who really like routine. They like things in place and scheduled, day in and day out. And there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, there are a few thing I like scheduled and routinized too (like my gym schedule).

But what about for those who constantly seek change? Exciting, adventurous things, new and creative elements, all neatly fitting together to make the perfect life? What about them?
What happens when they don't feel like dealing with the day? What do they have to complain about?

Now something struck me in the morning, where I felt like not dealing with today.
I used to think my life is interesting and fun. Monotony ain't getting anywhere near me today. MLIA.

Till I realized the value of routine. The predictability, the lure of planning, you can sort things out so easily when you know whats coming to you. And that seems just... so appealing.

And I have experienced that life. I have knows how monotony feels like and ironically, I hated it. So why am I looking for it now? 
Then I realized, you need an equal balance of both.

There are some part of yourself which you need to routinize, and some part where you need to be free and creative. For example, if your job requires you to be chained to a desk, then maybe you require a healthy dose of creative liberation in life outside work.
Think about it, if you job is as creatively demanding as mine, then maybe you need routine in some aspects of your life. A night routine before you fall asleep, perhaps. 

All I am saying is, if you don't feel like facing the world, instead of looking for reasons to run father away, try to look for reasons to solve it. It will do you much good than the temporary procrastination. 

And with this post, I think I have done just that. 

Thursday, 5 February 2015

FF#3 Wong Fu Magic!

Have you heard of Wong Fu productions?
If you haven't then take this post as a starter kit to help you absolutely adore their work!

Wong Fu Productions is a film writing, production trio (Wesley, Philip and Ted) who started writing creative, inspiring short films and later uploaded them on Youtube.
The popularity of their work helped them start their own media company and now, they feature in a host of film festivals. And are recognized for their beautifully scripted, touching and thoughtful work.
My perfect go to, if I am having a creatively dead day.

The videos below are three of my favorites:


Light, airy, pensive and everything you would want in an inspiring watch. The video has no specific story line beginning, but its simple loop nature leaves so much to imagination. Stunning cinematography. 

The Last

Haw many people have come into you life and left? How many have you loved till you find another to share your heart with? What effect do they have with the one you are with now? 
Another inspiring watch, but this one sparks more than just pensive thoughts. Maybe some answers.

Job Expectations

Now this is a refreshing deviation if you think all they do are romantic themed videos. Are you stereotyped to be someone and quite often mistaken to be something else? No one likes stereotyped and its high time we break out of judging others to come under a specific category. And this video shows you the very same thing. 
Plus, its so funny.

And here we are! Wong Fu Magic in all its happy, fun nature, plus more to come if you subscribe to them. I really wanted to share this with you because they have really inspired some of my work recently.

And I hope they inspire you too.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

FF #2 Normal moments of doubt

Okay, I am not going to lie. This is harder than I thought.

My day started at seven in the morning. It's been long, it's been tiring, and just when I thought it's about to end...

I remembered this entry.

Now down to business.

So today, something came across my mind.

Self doubt. And why it's normal sometimes.

Self doubt is when you second guess yourself and question the things you do and why you do them. Some people do it often, and some do it when they lapse into pensive phases. Which is what I do.

When you second guess yourself, you reassess all the pros and cons of the decision you have taken and do a quick check to ensure the decision you have taken is the right one.

Now when does it become too much?

When you doubt yourself all the time. When you doubt yourself in everything you do and why you do it. When you doubt yourself without any reason to.

When you doubt yourself without reason which in turn makes you unsure of yourself and that lowers your self esteem. Now that is problem.


Define the parameters of self doubt before you indulge.

Wait, am I just thinking too much again?
Have I given this enough though?
If I have, what is making me think twice?

Because there will be a lot of things for your brain to worry about such a school, work or your family. You need to separate the ones worth the effort of using your grey matter.