Hello everyone!
I was just thinking about what I said the other day on reinventing yourself (you can read it here), and I realized that there may be more to it than just changing your old habits into new ones.
Habits are habits for a reason, and they may be hard to break. Reinventing yourself and all those feel good things are a delight to read, and it may spark some inspiration. But as we all know, everyone needs a gently push in the right direction. And maybe some do-able tips to get started.
So here are some things I would probably do to get started in developing a clearer, focused and more importantly, refreshingly new outlook on life.
Only if you give yourself a force start. You can expected a sooner change.
So, what are you waiting for?
It’s time to start anew remember?
Ready, set…
And Go.
I was just thinking about what I said the other day on reinventing yourself (you can read it here), and I realized that there may be more to it than just changing your old habits into new ones.
Habits are habits for a reason, and they may be hard to break. Reinventing yourself and all those feel good things are a delight to read, and it may spark some inspiration. But as we all know, everyone needs a gently push in the right direction. And maybe some do-able tips to get started.
So here are some things I would probably do to get started in developing a clearer, focused and more importantly, refreshingly new outlook on life.
1. Write down what you want/to change from life
Make it long, short, pages, or just one word. Writing things down always helps you put things into perspectives. If you aren’t much of a books person, use your phone’s notes feature. Make sure you take a look at it a few times a month! Or set it as your wallpaper!2. Spend some time with yourself
In all the hustle bustle of life, we often forget that we need some time to ourselves to just sort out our thoughts and just be. We pay so much attention to our family, job and friends, we lose touch with ourselves, and our goals. Admit it, for the guilt of being selfish, we don’t give ourselves any time at all. And there is nothing wrong with that, giving yourselves too much attention can be a bad thing too, but all I am asking you to do is to listen to yourselves once in a while.
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3. Invent quality time in something you love to do
And trust me, it will work wonders. I love to write, and read and I make sure I do a little of it every day if possible. I love baking, playing video games and watching anime/kdrama. Yes, that may be a little too much, and for a working individual with a family, it may be next to impossible to do. But I am not asking you to do it very often, or even all the time, just once or twice a week. It not only makes your heart happy, but it also fulfills the point of spending time with yourself. Do it early in the morning, or after the family is out for the day, or even when the kids are asleep, do it for yourself. Find time.4. Go outside
To instantly bring things into a fresher perspective, make sure you step outside. Get some fresh air, go drink some coffee or hot chocolate if you prefer. Go grocery shopping, or even stroll around the mall. The change in surroundings should help you change your direction of thoughts for the better.
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5. Make plans with friends and family
Even it’s the more clichéd movie and dinner idea you can think of, do it. Tell your friends that you need some time off and take it! I am sure you can escape for a little while. From homework or your job or even hiring a babysitter/ sweetly requesting the husband to take over for the night. Invest in relationships now. They will turn into a big fortune later one. And you deserve the break.
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6. Eat. And eat well
Foodie or not a foodie, who can say no to a gook cooked meal? Try your hand at new recipes at home or go out to your favorite place. Good food instantly perks you up and makes you feel anew. Oh and the feeling of a happy, full stomach? Indescribable.
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7. Get some exercise
Don’t roll your eyes at me. I mean it. You need to get your butt off a 9-5 chair and get some oxygen into your lungs. Doing the smallest exercise helps pump some happy hormone to your head called Serotonin. Doing something which automatically contributes to you looking good, will help you feel good.8. Start organizing
And start with your closet. Sort out you clothes and donate the ones you don’t need. Then start with your room. Clean it, push things away, change the sheets, and add in some DIY décor. Work towards your house, kitchen and sort, organize, sort, and organize. And don’t give me the excuse of being a messy body. Because, trust me, clearing things out, automatically state the feeling of pushing the old away and bringing it newer, positive energy.
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9. Sleep
Ever wondered why people would say ‘sleep on it’? It’s because is like a soft reset button on life. Enough said. If you had something important to take a decision on, sleep on it. If you feel uneasy, sad or really angry, sleep. If you feel like you want the end your day but not quite, take a nap, wake up, and start over!10. Start NOW
Whatever is it that you want to do, or start, or stop? Do it NOW. As much as I said habits are hard to break, you need to at least start making the effort immediately. They may come through surprisingly, or may even take some time to settle in. But the earnest effort in wanting to change yourself, your weight, your problems, your surroundings needs to start now, now, now.Only if you give yourself a force start. You can expected a sooner change.
So, what are you waiting for?
It’s time to start anew remember?
Ready, set…
And Go.
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