Monday, 24 November 2014

How to make time for absolutely anything!

Bonjour everyone!

How many times have you heard people say, 'Oh, I wish I had the time for this', or 'I can't seem to find the time,'. And a million reasons people push the things they really want to do, for the sake of one thing: Time.
In the past month, I have realized that in order to ensure all my goals have a chance of succeeding, I need to learn how to make time for it all.
But then the dreaded question pops up...

How do I make time for it? 

You would be pretty surprised when I tell you that you can't  make time for everything. Its virtually and physically impossible to be everywhere you want to be. So how do you make time at all?

Its simple. You make time for the things that matter to you. You make time for the things you consider the most important in your life at this very moment, and you work your way down the list of things you would like to make time for.

For example, the things on my priority list right now is maintaining a work-family-friends-life balance right now. I need to find a way to ensure I get a daily workout, meet my social life needs, spend time with my family and find some quiet time for myself as well.

Sounds tricky? Okay, lets go over it step-by-step.

Image Source

Step 1: Write down your list of things to accomplish.

It can be a long term, short term, big, small, daily or even a monthly list. Write down everything you would like to do.

Step 2: Prioritize

I can't tell you how important this step is. If you think that you have two things which weight the same amount of priority (important meeting and BFF's birthday) then find a way around the two, and decide which calls for your attention first.

Step 3: Schedule

This is another crucial step for you to finally decided what goes where in your life. Because my classes at the gym are at a fixed time, I need to work around them. Then I fit in my work schedules, work to do lists based on my class for the day. Which comes to my next point...

Step 4: Work around a centrifugal point

This step is for those who need something to pillar towards. If its family, then your list should work around them. In my opinion, work shouldn't be the point here as you tend to neglect a lot of secondary things if  majority of your day is around something you (may or may not) like.
Keep this point to be your priority, something you can control, or even something which related an emotional connect to everyday life.

Step 5: Give it time

You can't expect things to just work its way through in the first shot. As optimistic as that is, you need to give yourself time to settle into you new schedule.
It took me 3 weeks to find a reasonable balance between my Gym schedule and family. Work was also biting its way through my attention, so that's another things to keep in mind.
Don't lose hope if things don't fall through immediately, but be determined to make that schedule work for you.

And finally: Sacrifice is an option

A lot of people may say that you need to sacrifice something to achieve something else... And as true as that may seem, I think to give something up is an option. Its not written in stone that you need to give up your social life to be better at work, or work and family can never be balances, its all up to you. And how you deal with the things you have on your hand.
Otherwise, I say it would be a sweet to say....

You can make time for absolutely anything.
All you need is determination and a priority list.