Monday, 24 November 2014

How to make time for absolutely anything!

Bonjour everyone!

How many times have you heard people say, 'Oh, I wish I had the time for this', or 'I can't seem to find the time,'. And a million reasons people push the things they really want to do, for the sake of one thing: Time.
In the past month, I have realized that in order to ensure all my goals have a chance of succeeding, I need to learn how to make time for it all.
But then the dreaded question pops up...

How do I make time for it? 

You would be pretty surprised when I tell you that you can't  make time for everything. Its virtually and physically impossible to be everywhere you want to be. So how do you make time at all?

Its simple. You make time for the things that matter to you. You make time for the things you consider the most important in your life at this very moment, and you work your way down the list of things you would like to make time for.

For example, the things on my priority list right now is maintaining a work-family-friends-life balance right now. I need to find a way to ensure I get a daily workout, meet my social life needs, spend time with my family and find some quiet time for myself as well.

Sounds tricky? Okay, lets go over it step-by-step.

Image Source

Step 1: Write down your list of things to accomplish.

It can be a long term, short term, big, small, daily or even a monthly list. Write down everything you would like to do.

Step 2: Prioritize

I can't tell you how important this step is. If you think that you have two things which weight the same amount of priority (important meeting and BFF's birthday) then find a way around the two, and decide which calls for your attention first.

Step 3: Schedule

This is another crucial step for you to finally decided what goes where in your life. Because my classes at the gym are at a fixed time, I need to work around them. Then I fit in my work schedules, work to do lists based on my class for the day. Which comes to my next point...

Step 4: Work around a centrifugal point

This step is for those who need something to pillar towards. If its family, then your list should work around them. In my opinion, work shouldn't be the point here as you tend to neglect a lot of secondary things if  majority of your day is around something you (may or may not) like.
Keep this point to be your priority, something you can control, or even something which related an emotional connect to everyday life.

Step 5: Give it time

You can't expect things to just work its way through in the first shot. As optimistic as that is, you need to give yourself time to settle into you new schedule.
It took me 3 weeks to find a reasonable balance between my Gym schedule and family. Work was also biting its way through my attention, so that's another things to keep in mind.
Don't lose hope if things don't fall through immediately, but be determined to make that schedule work for you.

And finally: Sacrifice is an option

A lot of people may say that you need to sacrifice something to achieve something else... And as true as that may seem, I think to give something up is an option. Its not written in stone that you need to give up your social life to be better at work, or work and family can never be balances, its all up to you. And how you deal with the things you have on your hand.
Otherwise, I say it would be a sweet to say....

You can make time for absolutely anything.
All you need is determination and a priority list.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

10 ways to spark, inspire and kick start refreshing new beginnings

Hello everyone!

I was just thinking about what I said the other day on reinventing yourself (you can read it here), and I realized that there may be more to it than just changing your old habits into new ones.

Habits are habits for a reason, and they may be hard to break. Reinventing yourself and all those feel good things are a delight to read, and it may spark some inspiration. But as we all know, everyone needs a gently push in the right direction. And maybe some do-able tips to get started.

So here are some things I would probably do to get started in developing a clearer, focused and more importantly, refreshingly new outlook on life.

1. Write down what you want/to change from life

Make it long, short, pages, or just one word. Writing things down always helps you put things into perspectives. If you aren’t much of a books person, use your phone’s notes feature. Make sure you take a look at it a few times a month! Or set it as your wallpaper!

2. Spend some time with yourself

In all the hustle bustle of life, we often forget that we need some time to ourselves to just sort out our thoughts and just be. We pay so much attention to our family, job and friends, we lose touch with ourselves, and our goals. Admit it, for the guilt of being selfish, we don’t give ourselves any time at all. And there is nothing wrong with that, giving yourselves too much attention can be a bad thing too, but all I am asking you to do is to listen to yourselves once in a while.

Image Source

3. Invent quality time in something you love to do

And trust me, it will work wonders. I love to write, and read and I make sure I do a little of it every day if possible. I love baking, playing video games and watching anime/kdrama. Yes, that may be a little too much, and for a working individual with a family, it may be next to impossible to do. But I am not asking you to do it very often, or even all the time, just once or twice a week. It not only makes your heart happy, but it also fulfills the point of spending time with yourself. Do it early in the morning, or after the family is out for the day, or even when the kids are asleep, do it for yourself. Find time.

4. Go outside

To instantly bring things into a fresher perspective, make sure you step outside. Get some fresh air, go drink some coffee or hot chocolate if you prefer. Go grocery shopping, or even stroll around the mall. The change in surroundings should help you change your direction of thoughts for the better.

 Image Source

5. Make plans with friends and family

Even it’s the more clichéd movie and dinner idea you can think of, do it. Tell your friends that you need some time off and take it! I am sure you can escape for a little while. From homework or your job or even hiring a babysitter/ sweetly requesting the husband to take over for the night. Invest in relationships now. They will turn into a big fortune later one. And you deserve the break.

Image Source

6. Eat. And eat well

Foodie or not a foodie, who can say no to a gook cooked meal? Try your hand at new recipes at home or go out to your favorite place. Good food instantly perks you up and makes you feel anew. Oh and the feeling of a happy, full stomach? Indescribable.

Image Source

7. Get some exercise

Don’t roll your eyes at me. I mean it. You need to get your butt off a 9-5 chair and get some oxygen into your lungs. Doing the smallest exercise helps pump some happy hormone to your head called Serotonin. Doing something which automatically contributes to you looking good, will help you feel good.

8. Start organizing

And start with your closet. Sort out you clothes and donate the ones you don’t need. Then start with your room. Clean it, push things away, change the sheets, and add in some DIY décor. Work towards your house, kitchen and sort, organize, sort, and organize. And don’t give me the excuse of being a messy body. Because, trust me, clearing things out, automatically state the feeling of pushing the old away and bringing it newer, positive energy.

Image Source

9. Sleep

Ever wondered why people would say ‘sleep on it’? It’s because is like a soft reset button on life. Enough said. If you had something important to take a decision on, sleep on it. If you feel uneasy, sad or really angry, sleep. If you feel like you want the end your day but not quite, take a nap, wake up, and start over!

10. Start NOW

Whatever is it that you want to do, or start, or stop? Do it NOW. As much as I said habits are hard to break, you need to at least start making the effort immediately. They may come through surprisingly, or may even take some time to settle in. But the earnest effort in wanting to change yourself, your weight, your problems, your surroundings needs to start now, now, now.
Only if you give yourself a force start. You can expected a sooner change.

So, what are you waiting for?
It’s time to start anew remember?
Ready, set…
And Go.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Reinventing September

Hello everyone!

There are no words to describe how truly sorry I am for not posting for over a month. September has been a month where crazy would be quite an understatement and busy would be next to an excuse.
But reassuringly, it was nothing short of boring.

With family over, relatives, household chores and hectic work schedules, not to mention the time to even go get a workout done, September has been one of those months where you know that things are changing in your life. And that from now on, things are going to be better.

How do I know so?
Well, a few days into my busy month, I came across this term called reinventing which means to change something to make it look like something entirely new, and reinventing yourself means to change who you currently are and improving from there on.

Actually to me it felt like more than just changing who you are. With all I was reading about it, I got really curious, so I did a little bit more research. It finally led me to know that reinventing yourself means carving out a whole new path for yourself and ensuring that the path you managed to make is going to be the best for you.

And I practically fell in love with the idea right there.

Wouldn't it just be amazing to live the life you always wished of? And working to towards its success makes it all a wonderful thing to be given a chance to.
So I did. And September turned into my month of reinvention.

So the very next day, I took my lunch outside work, found a quiet spot and wrote down all the things I want from life.
Wanna sneak peek of a part of my list?

  • Fix my work schedule. I hate staying late at work.
  • Spend more time with family and friends.
  • Lose that tummy ponch once and for ALL.
  • Pay a more attention to the world outside my phone.
  • Write more! But of course.
And I was determined.

I think of the most important parts of reinventing yourself was to get started immediately. No more 'Oh, I can do this tomorrow' or next week. If you want your life back in place now, you need to start now. And with that, I made another schedule of how I was going to accomplish my list above.

The first thing I did was to clear my office desk and my mails. I put things into perspective and ensured I wrote all my tasks down. Loved checking them off one by one.

With that, I also tried to get to work earlier so I could leave earlier. And then I realized, by leaving earlier, I could spend more time with my family. And with that, I automatically had more time in my life to just, do more in general.

So all in all, changing one small thing helped me sort out the rest of the things in my list and helped me realized its all a chain.
If you make an effort to do better, other areas of your life automatically strive to be better on their own. Its like the world telling you, you want your life to be better? Sure thing, let us help you.

All you have to do is try!

Now with this post, and the promise of frequent updates, I am now trying to get a little bit more exercise in my daily routine. And I have a trial group class tomorrow! If it works out, I get to cross that off my list as well!

The hardest part would probably be maintaining all of the things I have managed to do better in. And I have just the thing for it!
Maybe I should write a part 2. What do you think?

Let me know what you think in the comments and what you would want to reinventing in yourself!

Images courtesy google.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Why change is a good thing

Change is everywhere.

Something that struck me in the morning was that everyone has something that they are coping up with. Either its a break up, or a change, or a different perspective of something that has flipped their world upside down or something which strikes the notion that 'Hey, I am not the same person I was yesterday, or last month, or last year'

And you know what? That's perfectly okay. Sometimes change is a good thing, and sometimes we need it. Sometimes, we need to curb it and sometimes, we can't even control how fast things are going.
I felt the same a number of times, and most often I try to condition myself into thinking that the change I am going through should be for the better. And I make that happen! How?

  • You can keep track of how thing are progressing in a journal. I write everything and anything down. It serves to be a good reminder of how you have progresses and grown. 
  • I make sure I spend some time with myself. No one else, just me. And I know for some busy individuals, this must be something of a luxury, but who said you can't spend some alone time just before bed? Or even in the shower.
  • I reflect and be thankful for everything that I have, and I think this is crucial. Change will only help you be even more grateful for what you have and you are likely to take things less for granted.
  • Spend time doing what you love. And make sure you do it. Hey, you need to make your heart happy more often, and you can do that, by doing more good of something you love to do!
Honestly, I am not a fan of change, but I don't let that stop me from making myself better. I take the chance to do something new, or prove something of myself. Try not to dwell too much into it and over think it. That's a hazard in itself, embrace it and evolve into something better,today!

And as Master Oogway rightly said:

Images from Google 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Learn to drink coffee alone

Try this sometime: brew yourself the best coffee possible, or hot chocolate or even green tea, in your favorite mug and sit by yourself in an empty space, whether it may be your kitchen table or your living room.

Absorb the silence around you, and focus on the warmth of the beverage in your hand. Notice whether your thoughts flow, and let them. Notice how the entire hustle of the world mutes down to your presence and the hot beverage you have. Realize that the world isn't going anywhere and all you are doing is stepping aside from the everyday run to take a small breather on the side.

How do you feel?

Do your thoughts focus on pressing matters? Do your thoughts escape to something else entirely? Do you feel anxious about your tasks for the day and you can't wait to get back to the bustle? Or do you feel like you can do with a few more minutes of silence?

Okay, now try the same thing, but purchase coffee from your favorite cafe instead. And sit there.

Pick a table somewhere in the center, or if you aren't that liberal yet, somewhere on the corner. And ask yourself the same question.

How do you feel?

Do you feel awkward? Self-conscious? Distracted and you can't wait to take your phone so you can aimlessly scroll down your Instagram page just to find something to do? You are unable to comfortably sit, observe and absorb, and you question; this is pointless. What is the meaning of this?

If you sit by yourself in a coffee shop, amidst people who dwell in their own little world, not caring about what they might think of you, or what they might project of a person sitting by themselves, you are certifiably confident of who you are. 

If you do feel uncertain, you aren't comfortable with spending time with yourself.

When we are alone, we make peace with the fact that there isn't anyone around us to judge or question our every move and action. So comparatively, its easy to drink coffee alone and even better, when you seem to enjoy it.

When we stand alone in the view of people, and we suddenly feel the urge to hide, stand in the corner, fidget with our smart phones instead of just sitting there and do a bit of people watching, letting your thoughts tune in to your surroundings, you are simply uncomfortable with your own presence.

Have you ever wondered why?

Don't you find yourself to be interesting? Aren't you sure of your individuality? Do you find the need to constantly fluctuate with a certain moments instead to just be.

Have you ever thought that if you aren't certain of who you are, then how will the people around you get a glimpse of the person you are when you are by yourself at home? Fun, interesting, unique and most importantly, open.

If you don't find yourself to be funny, amusing, attractive, appealing and charming, do you think the people around you will?

No, they won't. That is why you should learn to drink coffee alone, at home as well as in a coffee shop. You need to learn that its okay to not have anything to do once in a while, and at the same time existing with complete purpose and for that moment.

Certify the world that you are confident to be the person who you reflect when you drink coffee alone, and accordingly the world will transpire ways to ensure that it will introduce you to the people who reflect that attitude.

Its not that hard to drink coffee alone, all you have to do is breathe and just be.

Can you do that?

Image Source 1 2

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Testing testing 1, deux, tres!

I wonder how blogging from my phone would feel like. :|
This is just a test post. I want to see how bad or good this app really is. Soo.... I had this fantastic cinnamon bun!
Hello! :D

Thursday, 31 July 2014

20 things to do when you don't know what to do


And confused? 
And do you feel like things in your life haven't found their place yet? Its all so messy, sketchy, vague, mixed up, and you wake up in the morning thinking to yourself... where is my life going?

And you ask yourself the most important question: what do I want to do with my life?

As much as I would love to say I have found the solution to all those question, the truth is... I don't.

Sometimes you can find immediate answers to your problems, and sometimes you wish you could, but you don't know where to begin. 

But I do know some things you can do to stop mulling over it, even if its for a little while. They might not solve it all, but they will help. Here are somethings you can do on the days when you don't know what to do.

  1. Grab a Yoga mat, and do some stretches. Which will not only make your body feel better, but improve your mood.
  2. Drink the strongest coffee/tea possible. You need that extra caffeine boost to kick that feeling away.
  3. Go for a walk. The fresh air will do you good.
  4. Eat chocolate. Anything chocolate. Mmmmm cake. 
  5. Go out for a little date with yourself. 
  6. Watch a movie you wouldn't normally go for. Maybe in another language? 
  7. Eat at your favorite restaurant, bring a friend along.
  8. Get your head massaged. Nothing beats a good head massage.
  9. Sleep.
  10. Play your favorite song.
  11. Sing in the shower.
  12. Call a friend, bug him/her at work/college/school if you have to.
  13. Hug someone. You will not the believe the benefits of hugging. 
  14. People watch.
  15. Spend some time with a pet.
  16. Buy yourself the most fancy notebook you can find.
  17. Walk into your local comic book store. Geek happiness, right there.
  18. Go shopping for a new book. Take your time picking one.
  19. Buy yourself the nicest pen to go with that notebook.
  20. And the most recommended tip to give: Write. Write it all down in that notebook your just bought. Write whatever you feel in a different environment. Make sure you don't get up till you have written everything you wanted to say about what you feel and what you want to do. List down everything that makes you feel the way you currently are and prioritize them. Use a laptop if you prefer, but be sure to write it down.
That's what I just did :]

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Opening your storybook

I have a new segment.

Which I am sure you must have noticed. Its right next to the home page tab and its something which I hold very dear.

My writing.

Its called Storybook, because I believe everyone has story to share. It may be in the form of real life experiences, of fiction where they trap memories and emotions through other characters. Now it has been a while since I have written a piece, but hopefully you will enjoy what I have to offer! Let me know what you think. :)

Image from Google.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Snapping out, and getting over: the Monday Blues


Or Tuesday in Asia. 

And I know what you must be feeling, the dreaded, despised and taunting, Monday blues.

Now Monday blues is a scenario where you feel low, or depressed or just not your usual chirpy self on Sunday nights to Monday morning. The mood however, instantly vanishes when Monday is over, as you inch one day closer to the next weekend. 

You’d be surprised how many of us face the dreaded blues without even realizing it. Unable to get your work done, procrastination and just unwanted negative energy, all translates to the underlining reason: I don’t want to go back to work.

To fix yourself up, here are some of the things I have tried (and tested!) to help you get over them blues once and for all! 

Its all in the mind 

Ever thought that maybe the feeling of being upset on Mondays is all in your mind? Think about it, if you just tell yourself that oh, its just Monday, and I have so and so things to do today, so what? Its not going to affect me, I don’t really care. Its just another day. Try repeating it to yourself just before you are about to go to sleep on Sunday night: Monday? Bah, doesn't bother me!

Have that Monday night plan 

Maybe you don't like Mondays because you have nothing but endless work and more work to look to. Why not have something to look forward to like a plan or activity after work? What I tried to do was to save all my TV show watching for Monday nights. So it became synonymous with, Monday? Means I get to watch my favorite TV show. (Currently its My Love From Another Star.) Why don't you plan that friends night out? Or join health or hobby classes? Go watch that favorite movie that just came out! Make those plans happen!

Reason behind blue 

Too much work? Annoying co-worker? The boss you don't want to face or just the after effects of a brilliant weekend you never wanted to end? What's your reason behind the blue? Once you know what is bothering you, you can work better towards solving it. Its easier to do that it sounds. Your mind has a way of picking on a reason to feel blue but subconsciously doesn't display the reason why. Find out what is bothering you and see what you can do about it!  

Change of job?

Maybe the reason you don't like Mondays is because of the most integral part of you feeling off: your job
You don't want to get back to work is because you don't like your job in the first place! Its boring, lifeless, its not fulfilling and definitely not rewarding enough, They maybe its time to think of that switch. Its a big step, but you can go on hating Mondays forever right? If you can do something about your job, then a change would be greatly welcomed. 

Monday game plan

Now for the fear of sounding like every other self help article on the web, changing your job is easier said that one. I mean, practicality needs to account for something, right? But if your job switch isn't a ready option then here are some other things you can do:
  • Plan out your day. Organize work to such an extend where you won't have to hustle through.
  • Prepare an early start. If you get to work a little before time, you can get started on your work earlier and have more time to neatly work your way through the day.
  • Grab a happy pick me up, listen to your favorite song, switch that coffee for a hot chocolate, try to start your morning routine by doing something different than before. It will give your day a new and refreshed outlook and make you, feel less blue!

There are some little changes you can adapt to fix your morning blues. Try stumbling on a few funny, inspirational sites to help you along the week. Mondays are just a part of your weekly processes and it shouldn't set the mood for the entire week. Pick yourself up, do it soon and be sure to rid of Monday blues forevaaa!

Sipping on Green Tea on my Monday, how about you?

Images taken from Google. I do not own any.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Things you should know about your first REAL job!

Hello and Hello! 
Because I am all brand new to my 2nd job (man, time flies) I decided to share something I wrote for my first job.

So without further adieu...

Things your should know about your first REAL job:

So I have been working with this advertising company for exactly 10 days now and the information I have come to know, realize, read about is immeasurable. Its just a new world altogether so everything you do is on another take on things, so take it from someone who is experiencing it first hand, whatever they tell you about the work life is a Lie till you have experienced it yourself first hand.

SO many people, so many thoughts, realizations, everything.

So what are the list on things to know about your first real job?

You are going to get fat if you don't get in some routine exercise daily.

Though I don't think much of this applies if your job entitles you to walk around a lot, or go to places and get your butt off a chair. But in my job? Yeah. I sit at a desk from 10 to 6. With the occasional trip to the lunch area or the bathroom or my boss's desk. This bothers me because I have been a victim of chubbiness when I was younger, but... Due to an (unfortunate) obsession with my weight back in the 9th grade, I lost most of my unwanted fat, lost a good amount of weight, and slowly... My love for food overcame my weight obsession and my days of calorie counting were over! And since then I maintained a fluctuating healthy weight with no compromise on food whatsoever. And being (nearly) 6 foot tall helps the metabolism bit too. 

Heh. But thats not the point. The point is... I need some exercise soon. And so do you!

You NEED to have other plans/events/activities to do.

Sitting in a 4 x 4 cubicle, literally spells monotony. If you aren't careful, you will slowly slip into the shades of grey, fifty or how many ever in number yourself. Which you NEED to avoid at all cost. Notice me Capitalizing the 'NEED'. Because you have to, have to, have to, have something to look forward to, or to do or experience. It is vital you do your job alongside the a side project to keep your inner vitality and creativity safe from the monotony monsters. 

Me? Here is a glorious mini list I made in my head to keep me occupied: 

  1. Finish all the damn video games I wanted to play. Currently playing Kingdoms of Amalur, then Portal, Skyrim, AC, and so on. I get an hour or two of gameplay every day if I can. 
  2. I'm planning to read a lot. Especially my commute time to work. I load my dear dear 10 year old PPC with ebooks and read away! Currently I'm reading Silver linings playbook by Mathew Quick. 
  3. Start up this blog! 
  4. Surf like never before! That is another way to keep me occupied for Hours and Hours. 
  5. Plan things out. Like a weekend schedule or a Late Night Movie with my younger kid brother. 
  6. Research. Ever wondered why the hair around your crown is so fragile? What your body shape is and what suites you? I always wanted to know, but never had the time to Google it. So now I am. Alongside working of course! 

Talk to more people at work. 

It helps in many ways. Networking is not always using people to make contacts and get ahead of them. I like to think of networking at work as actually talking to people and getting to know them better. You will be working with them after all, so why not acquaint yourself more? It took me 2 days to talk to the girl who sits in the next cubicle as me. I really dont know why. For a week I used to eat lunch alone, thinking the people here have already formulated groups and I'd be just getting in the way, but as a matter of fact I didnt make enough effort. And they welcomed me with hardly any effort on my end. Now (well, for the past 2 days anyway) I sit with them during lunch. They may be a few years older but they are really friendly. Look what I was missing out on, so... you really need to put yourself out there.

Be so SO humbled. 

Soo.... I really hope I didnt give out the 'Spoiled NRI' vibe. These people are so nice, from humble beginnings and here I go flashing my Micheal Kors bag around for a week. Oh god. I am very humbled from what I have seen and the entire snob facade I had to deal with a majority of my life does apply here! Well... this one is a subjective truth because I know in most work places you dress to impress and get that promotion or whatever. So... I'm lucky that way. Its pretty chilled out here. And I So like it that way.

Its a loooong way to go. 

You just started your career! Depending on your priority in life you would considering facing the fact that you have just started and you have a looong way to go. Take my career profile for example. I want to be a creative directory in advertising. And for that I need to go through the levels of: Trainee, Junior copy writer, copy writer, senior copy writer and copy supervisor and then.... CD! Taking 6 months for each, or a year for that matter, it would take me anywhere from 3-6 years. 3 on the really optimistic end. And six on the practical end. SO dont be disheartened.

Don't count how many restaurants you are going to visit before your first paycheck. 

Save. Save like the world is running out of money and your meager salary will be worth millions soon. That being said, be practical about you money. Initially we idealize what we are going to buy before we even get our salary. The feeling of financial (part) independence is very overwhelming. Dont let it get to you. Try to save at least 50-60% of your pay, it going to come in hand sooner or later. As for me? That reference was made because I do this thing with a friend where I go to new places and try out new cuisines, but back then, I was happily funded but my dear parents. Now.... its a new whole ball game.

 Perk up your desk! 

Trust me it helps you get through the day. I don't have much on my table right now except an evil eye charm a friend had given to me. But I already have major ideas the moment I get full time. Cant wait!

Breathe and STREEEEETCH 

God, one week and my back is Killing me. And being tall really doesn't help. You sit at your desk, hunched over a computer screen and soon enough your back feels like crap. You have to take breaks and stretch. I know I need to, considering I get really weird looks from everyone while I do so, but I really don't care. I'm all neck stretch, arms stretch, back stretch, and aaaah. Temporarily. I started googling how to sit at work =| which level your computer screen needs to be and everything. I need a workout too. 

Keep calm and well... keep calm. 

That's like a mantra in itself. I'm just sitting here, ready to finish week 2, looking forward to the weekend, reminding me I have a loving family and an eccentric set of friends to meet and make plans with and discuss everything there is to talk about work life and a new phase altogether doesn't really make much of a difference. But more of an adventure. 
So here is to a new life, a start of one anyway, and I really hope my boss approves my concepts in the next ten minutes. 
Back to work!

Haha, wow. I cant believe how many of those things still apply to me right now. Its still a long way to go, and maybe I don't want to be a copy writer anymore. Maybe I want to be something else? Who knows? But whatever it is, I know its going to be absolutely FANTASTIC.

Let me know what your advice would be for a person in their first job!

See you soon!
Niki J

Do not own any images.
Images courtesy: Google. 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Its new, its better AND its HERE!

Hello all you wonderful people!

The lastdaysofsummer/wordpress has moved to Blogger and its now The Days of Rain and Summer!

And I am so excited about this. I dont know why Blogger wasnt my first choice. Clearly I was having problems understanding Wordpress and... maybe it wasnt for me. Blogger seems to be way more ideal, easier and not to mention, I finally found a template I like. AND I can change it whenever!

Now if you are a new reader, Hello! :) I hope to see you more often here. I am a (now 23) working professional with the heart of a child and who I cant seem to part with. I am new to this whole thing called 'adulthood' 'jobs' and 'working' and I started the blog for readers like YOU to share this journey with me. How does one translate their childhood self into this new serious mold, and how can one still be the colorful Vibrant YOU without having to conform to this dull grey corporate life. 

So I share my experiences, my tips and this magical journey life terms as 'Growing up' and everything that falls in between. Yes, Yes, hopefully there will be regular updates because I am pretty excited about this! :]

Hope to see you again!

Good things!
Niki ( I hope to get a digital signature up here soon!)

Images courtesy Google.